The Astro-Theology of The Nativity

The standard nativity story from the bible is more than just a Christmas story for children, there are deeper meanings and many layers.

It is now commonly held as a Christianisation of the old winter solstice celebrations of the Sun being reborn and seen rising with in the constellation of Virgo the virgin on December 25th after the shortest day and longest night on the 21st. Christianising the story was a way to replace Jesus (son of God) for the Sun god in the old traditions and make the new religion easier to accept. The people didn’t really change their long held festivals and traditions, but slowly over time people believed the new story over the old even though their traditional celebrations (Yule log, holly, evergreen tree celebrations) have nothing to do with the nativity.


Therefore the nativity story being used to mark the most significant historical Solar festival and the religious symbology around it, is inextricably linked to the solar system and the Earths place in it, this is called Astro-Theology.

I will explore the deeper astro-theological symbology of the nativity, in light of the Electric Universe model of cosmology. (The universe is full of electromagnetic energy and is the main force between objects in the cosmos). On the balance of probabilities the electric universe outshines the Standard Model which relies on made up mathematics and theories, invisible undetectable dark stuff to explain the discrepancies in the Standard model that has been around and hardly changed for hundreds of years.

Since we started to get observations from space telescopes it has been observed in other solar systems that planets do roam in and out around the central sun axis, and they do not follow long held notion that smaller planets are near the centre and larger ones on the edge, that was only because it was observed in our solar system.

Planets moving closer and further away in our solar system was observed by humans in the not so distant past, and stories, myth and legends were made to describe and remember what was seen from our perspective. Planets were given names and characteristics, such as Jove – Jupiter the god of all planets, the war-like Mars, the red planet. Below is a great 10 minutes summary of ancient history, myth and legends the primeval sun and the planet configurations as seen from earth and how the same symbols depicting what was seen in the sky spread across the globe and therefore.

Movement of planets especially Jupiter in the past has recently been accepted as fact in the academic world of the Standard model of the solar system.

I appreciate the Electric Universe Model is not accepted by the people who control the narrative told to the public. It would not be the first time the controllers lied and hid the truth, consider Galileo and the Catholic church. We need to look at our ancient stories and see, if in the light of a updated cosmology, it can give us new insight to the story and if the story reflects the new cosmology.

The electric universe and plasma cosmology is now being accepted by many retired academics in the field as more likely than the standard model they are very reluctant to rock the boat while in paid tenure, they have to resort to describing all the components of the electric universe and say the active force binding everything together is gravity, then invent dark matter and dark energy to compensate for the massive calculation errors when they use gravity as the active force. If they were to question directly the golden calf of gravitational cosmology they would loose their jobs & pensions.


Astrotheology is a way of viewing the stories in the bible as metaphor and allegory for the night sky, the planets, the precession of the equinox, the constellations and all their movements.

For example – the precession of the equinoxes sees the sun rise with a different constellation behind lasting approximately 2000 years in each and go it backwards around our zodiac. The bible and many other world wide stories start out with Taurus as the sun rising constellation, consider the bull cults in Create, the Minoan empire even the legend of the Mina-tor, The famous image of Mithras slaughtering the Taurus bull that indicated the end of that age and the start of the next, Aries

In the bible when Moses came down from mount Sinai he had with him the stone tablets with the new contract from the new god (Jehovah, Yaldeboath, Yahweh – the demiurge.) But Moses saw the people were still worshipping the golden calf, the old age and the new contract was for the new age of Aries the Ram. Rams horns are prevalent in Judaism, there’s even many statues of Moses with horns, this has been put down to a mistranslation, in the literal sense but the symbolic sense still stands, mistranslation is a easy coverall for something the academics can’t or won’t address.

The age of Aries closed with the sacrificial lamb of God – Christ, who brought about the Piscean age (fishers of men). When he was asked about when the prophecies he talked about were due to happen, he to said to look for a man carrying a pitcher of water. As women carried water pitchers in those days we can interpret it as a reference to Aquarius, as the precessional sun rising constellation, the next age after Pisces. We are currently in the transition period going from Piscean to Aquarius it can last a over two hundred years.

The Astrotheology in the Nativity

To get the deep esoteric meaning out of the nativity story it’s not to be taken literally, it does not follow a linear time flow, it is highly symbolic and reflects a cosmology from a time of the last big cataclysm of around 12,000 years ago the emergence of the Jehovahs created man and the birth of the new solar child with Christ.

Viewing the Nativity story with esoteric & Electric Universe lenses reveals hidden meanings which tells a story of our planet’s movements in a simplified way, as it would have been observed from earth which lines up with Electric Universe and esoteric stories.

The Standard Nativity Story


The story we picture when we talk about the Nativity is an amalgamation of Luke 1-2 and Matthew 1-2. Both books were written many years after the death of Christ possibly 50-60 years later and not actually written by either Matthew or Luke – were the writers deliberately encoding a hidden knowledge or oral traditions?

In summary these are the main points of the nativity that will be covered.

A census is made causing Mary and Joseph to return to there home town of Bethlehem, when they arrive they cannot find a room in the guest houses, so they have to take shelter amongst the animals. The mother gives birth amongst the animals and uses a manger for cot.

In the mean time a wandering star settles over Bethlehem, it is noticed by Magi or wise men from the east who take a long journey to visit the place of this great portent.

The Magi find the child and give gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

Shepard’s tending to there flock are visited by angels who give them a message that a messiah has been born and they declare peace on earth and amongst men of goodwill.

The Shepard’s go to visit the new born in the manger, they declare what they have been told by angels and Mary pondered over the words in her heart

The Hidden Esoteric History

Electric universe, oral traditions and esoteric knowledge recorded in the Tibetan book Stanzas of Dzyan tell a different story of our planet’s history that is in stark contrast to what the gatekeepers, the so called scientific establishment and religious leaders have told the people to believe.

The esoteric story includes – There were civilizations before this current iteration, the last one was destroyed in series of cataclysms that were so great they caused the Earth to move in orbit and/or change it axial tilt. It caused the length of days in the year to go from 360 to 365, it changed the seasons and habitable areas of land. It wiped out many people and the shift caused a new species of hominid to emerge that is more adapted to the climate, seasons, and stronger day light.

The golden age was a time ruled by Saturn, where people had no laborious work, the earth provided plenty of food all year with out the need to cultivate and farm. The Gods lived among the people in peace and harmony to a old age in good health and when they died there spirits returned as guardians or guides to the living.

Census – Measuring the World

After these planet shaking, axial tilting, catastrophic cataclysms, whatever the cause, the orbit would be effect, temporarily swinging in and out towards the Sun totally messing up the seasons, length of day, the number of days in the year, possibly falling rocks (the reason why Dolmans were built world wide in a narrow window of time) and maybe huge plasma discharges snaking dragon like across the sky making the Northern lights looks pathetic in comparison.

After all this chaos had settled the only way to establish if there was going to be ongoing stability and regularity to the new seasons was to carry out a census and measure the world, in it’s new space location relative to the planets and stars, and confirm the time taken to orbit the Sun, the length of seasons, the longest and shortest days and establish if these would reliably repeat – stability was re-established.

This measurement had to be done on the ground, likely using the stone circles and places like Golbeki tepe which has large pillars with holes aimed at Deneb in Cygus so they could compare to what was known to what is now observed and then make new circles to remeasure until there was sufficient repetition.  After they had completed the measurements they covered the entire 90,000 sq metre site with sand and rocks, this is an ancient tradition that signifies the place had served it purpose, the job was completed, and maybe to preserve it for the future in case it was needed again.

Once these measurements were set, repeating and predictable it was time for the son of man, the new solar child, the new iteration of human to be birthed on this old earth in its new time and space location. A new Solar God for a new Sun, to replace the old Sun God Saturn – Jehovah.

The Star of Bethlehem

The star of Bethlehem roamed about the sky and then it settled in place and time. This is symbolic of the night stars and our Sun that would have been seen roaming around the sky while the planet was adjusting to its new axial tilt and orbit. When the star of Bethlehem came to rest it signified the there was repetition, order and regularity to the observed stars and sun.

No Room at the Inn

Now this gets a bit esoterically deeper. First I need to point out that there are two creations of man/humans in Genesis – see my blog. Pre-adamic and Adamic peoples.

The first humans (Pre-adamic), are from the prior time, place, civilization, and were energetically linked to the previous dominant celestial planets, Jupiter and Saturn, their blood lines were around before the cataclysm and their blood lines and re-incarnating spirits descend to this day and for sake of argument they are at a much higher level of spiritual enlightenment and development. The second later iteration (Adamic) created by Jehovah to praise him and to toil/work the land – a slave race with a living soul – not an immortal soul like like the Pre-adamics, is energetically linked to Jehovah (the Trickster god) and the time before the axial tilt.

This concept is supported in the gnostic texts which describe three types of people and their spiritual or soul states.

  • Hylics – (Adamics) lowest order of the three types of human, material beings in a material world, no eternal soul, no concept of spiritual matters or higher realms. animal like
  • Psychics – “soulful”, partially initiated. Matter-dwelling spirits, they are here to learn lessons, to grow their spirit, they have a soul but need to raise their consciousness, can easily get lost in the material pleasure of the world.
  • Pneumatics– “spiritual”, fully initiated, immaterial souls, they “know” of the higher realms, are often guides, helpers, watchers for Psychics,

Jesus’s birth from the new Solar God and his subsequent death is a ransom to free the Adamic / Hylics from there salve like bondage to Jehovah, and to birth a new race of solar people (Psychics) that have a new stronger (not fallen) energetic / conscious link to the new Sun and solar system. But the new solar man (psychic) still has a animal nature, that he must conquer before the Christ consciousness is evolved enough to be on a level closer to the spiritually developed Pneumatics, until that time, they live and socialise separately There’s no room in the Inn for these people.

Born among the animals

The Sun of man, the solar child has a long way to go in his soul evolution. The image of man, the human design, the phi ratio of the human body is set by the spiralling of the earth, around and behind the Sun as it traverses the spiral arm of the galaxy, the relative gravity only allows so much height, weight, strength ratio. The body is the same for the Hylic as the Psychic, pre-admic and adamic alike, in that sense they are brothers physically but not consciously or spiritually.

It is with this birth of the saviour that gives hope to the Hylic, that through the Christ Consciousness, he has been given the opportunity to raise his awareness, to reveal the divine spark in his consciousness and to develop the conditions for an eternal soul. He can now start to pull himself out of the animal nature and into the higher states of consciousness, it may take a few lifetimes but it is possible to develop from a Hylic to a Psychic.

This concept of raising ones own consciousness is an age old theme, we see it as part of the Hero’s Journey and the Path of the Fool in Tarot. On the tarot card 8 – Strength, we see the the higher consciousness angelic being is taming it’s animal nature of the lion, the Hylic and Psychic man has to develop it to the Christ consciousness or in the east its called Buddha nature to before continuing their soul evolution.

Magi from the East

The Magi could be viewed as two layers firstly. East is where the Solar sun is born anew each day, the Magi were Solar emissaries direct from the solar consciousness, emanations in bodily form that brought gifts to the new man, similar to the “watchers” and shining ones in the legends and myths that tell of them teaching the indigenous people basic civilization building skills like agriculture, animal husbandry, textiles, astronomy/calendars, after previous cataclysms. The Gifts these solar emissary bring this time build on those basics from before.

Gold – the king of metals – metallurgy, how to extract the metal, smelting mixing metals, casting and tempering metal to make it stronger.

Frankincense – the king of incense – throughout the world of magic frankincense is used to clear harmful spirits. To give this gift is to give the knowledge of working with spirits, not only to honour them but eventually to raise man’s consciousness to be able to invoke them bind them and get them to an equal footing, rather than the spirits puppeteering the man to their whim.

Myrrh – Myrrh of that age was likely a balm of sort, probably with medicinal properties – this represent medicine, healing, hygiene, plant knowledge of remedies for aliments.


The second perception layer is earth based. The Magi were from surviving cultures in the east in ancient China whose astronomy records go back to around 1500 BCE. They were practising Magicians, they would be able to conjure spirits, bind them and use what information they learn. In Vietnam the Tao temples show many symbols of the Saturn polar configuration that is based around the electric universe, so these human Magi brought the same gifts but they were working on both the local and non local scales

Gold – actual precious metal – signifies royalty

Frankincense – veneration of the dead – animism – conjuring spirits, clearing the bad archontic spirits so the ancestral spirits can be more present in the lives of the living, those spirits can help raising consciousness from Hylic to Psychic

Myrrh – in the east they still use balms (tiger, snake, leopard etc) they are a cure all and they work – I can personally attest to the effectiveness of stopping a cut from bleeding, covering the cut to allow healing, being antiseptic, keeping it clean, and they are also used as for skin rashes, dried skin, insects bites, the list goes on, this gift could have been life saving.


Symbolically shepherds and sheep are akin to the teachers and the taught, the holy man and the congregation. As the Christ was to become the sacrificial lamb of the highest god it’s a fitting metaphor.

Angels visited them and told them of the sign to look for to identify the messiah – swaddled and amongst the animals in the manger.

After the Shepard’s had accepted the message many more angels appeared saying – ”Glory to God in the highest – peace on earth and to those people who he is pleased (of good will)

Translations differ but give the impression they were referring to the highest place of God, separate to the demiurges (trickster) heaven – If you were shown a much better place than earth and told by non-material beings it was heaven you’d probably believe them, even though it was a poor copy of the “highest place” of God. The men whom he is pleased are the Psychics and Pneumatics who have discovered the kingdom of god within themselves.

The holy men (shepherds) go look, they see the sign (they have eyes to see) pronounce what they have been told by the angelic beings and everyone marvelled at what they said.

So again we see a message from the highest being preached, Mary who now is in the special mother-baby bond, kept the words told safe and pondered on them, she has been brought into the Christ conscious awareness, in a mother-baby bond she and the baby are of one mind and can reflected upon the words with a new perspective. The Greek word used for ponder is symballousa – she could now think symbolically, maybe symbolic thinking was was not amongst the animal nature people the Christ came to redeem, symbolic thinking is part of the Christ consciousness and a first step to evolving their own Self.

The bible can be read on many levels, these reflect the many levels of conscious awareness people are at. As the Christ story progresses in the bible it demonstrates man can overcome his animal nature and develop his consciousness to be Christ like. They can find their inner kingdom, feel the inner peace as they demonstrate good will towards those still walking the path to their own inner kingdom.